Baking Soda/OJ Facial Mask
1 Tbsp OJ and 1 Tbsp Baking Soda
Thin layer on face...let sit/harden for 20min.
Don't eat or talk, so you won't crack the mask.
After 20min, gently massage ur face with fingertips, then gently wipe away with warm washcloth.
apply once or twice a week.
Oil Cleansing Method
Castor Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil
*Witch Hazel*
Dry Skin: 3tsp EVOO w/ 1tsp Castor Oil
Normal/Combo Skin: 2tsp EVOO w/ 2 tsp Castor Oil
Oily Skin: 1tsp EVOO w/ 3tsp Castor Oil
Apply to face-gently massage for a bit
Wet washcloth as warm as you can get it, then put over face to steam it and leave it on until cooled down to room temperature.
Ring out washcloth into sink, then gently wipe off excess oil from your face.
**can follow with Witch Hazel poured onto cotton ball and swabbed all over face**